Man with Cream

Five Reasons to use a CBD Cream

Even with all the consumer enthusiasm over cannabidiol (CBD), there are many who still don’t understand exactly how this active ingredient in the cannabis plant provides relief

man smiling showing a picture of himself smiling

Looking for a natural mood booster? Try CBD

While it’s not a cure-all for everything, research continues to indicate that Cannabidiol (CBD) can help in the treatment of an array of health and wellness issues. To understand why, you first need to know exactly what is CBD.

Good Gut Health

Good Gut Health: How CBD Can Help

Who hasn’t had a “gut feeling?” You know that instinct or intuition you get about something or someone without any facts or even logical reasoning to support it.  The belief that your gut or digestive system is where your emotions are derived has been around since biblical times.  The notion probably came from the fact...

Is CBD Oil Addictive

Is CBD Oil Addictive and Answers to Other Common CBD Questions

Is CBD addictive? It’s a common question asked about CBD oil. The answer is no and here is what you need to know about what is CBD oil and why it’s not addictive.  CBD is one of the most abundant cannabinoids found in Cannabis sativa, a flowering plant, of which industrial hemp and marijuana are two varieties...

woman using cbd products

Do Your Homework When Shopping for CBD: Five Things to Know

New to CBD? While there’s a lot of enthusiasm over the health and wellness benefits of this plant ingredient from industrial hemp, you still should do your homework before choosing a product, whether you prefer in-store purchasing or online shopping. There are a number of things

CBD oil vs CBD tinctures vs CBD capsules

Differences between CBD oil, tinctures and capsules

When it comes to your health and general well-being, you want choice. After all, no one product works the same for everyone and even if it did, you may have a preference about the delivery system. There are pills and capsules, topicals, dermal patches, tinctures and more. 

Endocannabinoid System and CBD Work Together

How the Endocannabinoid System and CBD Work Together

To fully understand how cannabidiol (CBD) helps in reducing pain, easing stress, aiding sleep and more, you need to first understand what is the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a vital molecular system that plays a very important role in maintaining homeostasis, which is the body’s efforts to maintain stable...

can cbd help boost the immune system

Can CBD Help Boost the Immune System?

While having a strong immune system has always been key to good health, the focus on immunity has intensified as the world deals with the COVID-19 pandemic. While there is no one immunity definition...

what to expect taking cbd for the first time

Taking CBD For the First Time: What to Expect

Not only are a lot of Americans using (cannabidiol) CBD, these users represent all age groups.  A survey conducted in January 2019 found that an estimated 64 million Americans had tried CBD in the previous 24 months. Among those users, CBD was most popular with people in their 20s with 40 percent of that age...

hemp leaves and cbd oil

Getting to Know CBD

Over the past few years, Cannabidiol (CBD) has been making its way into the medicine cabinets of consumers looking for a more natural way to deal with pain and lower stress than prescription drugs. Now estimated to reach sales of $22 billion by 2022, which represents a compound annual growth rate of 150 percent...

woman used cbd running with no pain

Athletes are Teaming Up with CBD for pain relief

Any athlete knows that you don’t get to the top of your game without putting in the time and effort. This applies to professional and non-professional sports. But that effort doesn’t come without a price. On the field as well as during training, athletes risk getting hurt.

pain and inflammation in arm

Can CBD Reduce Inflammation?

When it comes to wellness, you hear a lot about how to reduce inflammation in the body.  Maintaining a diet high in tomatoes, olive oil, fatty fish, nuts and other foods touted for their anti-inflammatory properties is strongly encouraged to reduce inflammation in the body. But what exactly is inflammation, what causes it...
