The Unique Approach For a DAM Great Massage with Irene Diamond

Clients demand a “Dam” Great Massage. Listen and learn as Irene shares how you can deliver extraordinary relief, with ease, and command higher fees by offering a DAM (Diamond Active Massage.) This new massage approach is the opposite of traditional massage. In a DAM, clients actively engage their muscles while receiving manual soft-tissue glides producing faster, comprehensive, long-lasting relief. Understand easily how incorporating client’s active movement, while you massage them, is a win-win for you both.

Irene Diamond, R.T. founder of the 1st INT’L fitness-cruise company in 1987, and San Francisco’s Premier Wellness center in 1995. She’s Author of Design Your Dream Practice introducing: Precise Private Practice® as the “go-to” model to serve clients, gain Provider referrals, and inspire Clinic owners to Maximize Revenues. Her ACTIVATEDdiamond includes: The Diamond Method,® Rehab approaches for fibromyalgia/migraine/orthopedic pain and The Diamond Active Massage,™ benefitting luxury spas & private practices.